Mane /characters of this story: Tweet and Booker T.
Tweet tells the story of the five men that went off to prison one at a time before her husband Booker T. She inters her first entry into a diary of how trust, honesty, and loyalty fade as the man grow distant. She talks of her obsessively driven, hell bent revenge, to kill a man she named the “Marked Man.” O-yes, she will kill him, she has to kill him, although the question remains how she will kill him and get away clean…
Journal entry 1
Hello to you, my new, best, and dearest friend in this world Mr. Journal! My name is Tweet, and I need you to listen to all my thoughts, words, and secrets. Please keep within these pages everything I’m about to share for the next thirty days. It would be so nice if I had a person to talk to as most people do, sharing their inner most secrets. However, where I come from, if two people know your shit, it’s no longer a secret. I must have someone to talk to, which is why I need you Mr. Journal. Hear me clearly when I say, I’m planning to kill a man!
This dog, received the highest respect as head of six, bad men, here in Columbus Ohio. Even though, I have never held back, my own views on the man that are, “he isn’t shit.” My confirmation came with three of the six men sucked into Federal Prison, while the other two went to the State Prison. They all went down one by one all but the marked man. Tell me this, Mr. Journal, “how in the fuck is this bastard still on the streets gettin money”? I have thought about this long and hard, he has to be a dirty informant, snitching to the police to save his own ass, and that is why I’m all alone today. I know there is a thing called luck, but there isn’t that much fucking luck in the world.
Hell, if luck is going around for people like that, I need to get me some. Thus, I won’t end up in jail, after I cut off the marked man’s head. Mr. Journal, our job is to trail him, and note his every move; this dog’s pattern is what will get him killed. I have moved into a house three doors down from his crib. Yeah, that’s right; as I sit on my porch drinking my coffee everyday I can see the flow of people coming and going through his door. I just don’t understand how the Feds saw everybody in the crew selling dope and not this dude. I know the shit he’s up to would take him to prison, for sure if I just complain to the law, although I feel that prison is too good for his ass, da man just need to be dead! Shit, real men--don’t talk to the Feds, and I am a real man’s woman, about my stuff. There will be an open window, of opportunity for him to pay me for being all alone. I can still hear the Judge declare, NINE YEARS. That is how long I will be with out my boo, my husband, Booker T. and my son Turtle—he got three years thanks to this marked man. I want to kill—em, O-yeah I got to kill—em, he can enjoy his free ride now, but when I play that slow song! “Pay Day”! He gonna pay me in full.
Where did I get my inspiration to write this book? First, I would have to bring up the fact that so many people are dead due to the miss use of drugs today. I must shout out to the families of Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, and Gerald Leveret, God is with you in your time of pain.
The world has lost some of the most talented people due to the miss use of RX drugs. Even if it did come from a Doctor, we must take meds as prescribed.
I have 13 years without the uses of drugs and alcohol and my husband Booker T holds 10 years. Our clean time allowed our mind to open wild enough to combine an urban style novel with a recovery-based theme. We did join hands at the prison visiting room to pray and asked God to work through us to save a life with the words of our book. From there my husband and I created this fictional novel, “If the Drugs Don’t Get U the Lifestyle will.”
What sets your book apart from other books in the same genre? This book is not like no other because it will have you question yourself and others around you. This book is about suspense, murder, love, and laughter and at the same time, it will have the reader question them selves. One could say it is a self-help book it wakens everyone’s concern for the life. What is you end and where will you be or what you will have in life.
As an author, the keys to success that lead to my book getting out to the public? After five years in the field, I still apply a no down time I’m ever where emailing calling book signing.. My goal to have riches lives strong inside of me. I do feel I have the fame part with my name in the rich and fames conversation now I must find a way to sale a million copies of one or two hell all my books see I got to think big to get there one day and make the most sold in one day list.
As an author, what is your writing process? How long did it take you to start and finish your book? A disorder called Dyslexia is the burden upon me. My affliction is with-in the English\Grammar learning. Therefore, I cannot trust my first writing or reading of a word. While my book Gas Card Reloaded is the joint copies of two detective stories, it took me three years to write them, with the third book coming. I do lose a lot of time in moving to publishing the second half not having the money for an editor to go over the work. Yes money is an issue so I’m forced to ask for help from friends and teachers at my college, to proofread and that puts me at their time span and when they can get to it I get to move on to the publishing part and I am self published.
What's next for you? A book I have been working on for 5 years. “In My Mothers Shadow” based on a true story of my grand mother who was a killer, to my mother who was a near killer to me who is a stone killer. I have placed a quick look at the first page of the fires chapter. Ida-May Smith, a sweet brown skin little girl, was born JULY 20, 1930.The place, the small town of Alabama North of the Mississippi river. Living there with Ida-May was her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Smith, part-time live-in father Jo Smith, younger brother Bob and a baby sisters Sissy. Often through out the week, Ida-May over heard her parents’ shouting over things she did not understand. Something about a woman that lived on the West side of town being friends with her dad. Often there fights had gone super out of hand allowing Gertrude Smith a full shaped brown skin woman, to be slapped down to the floor by thin but very tall Jo Smith. Twice in Ida Mays’ young life, she had seen her father wallop mother across the face while she and little Bob cried out of fear.
It is a late Saturday night and Ida-May was the age of 14 lying in bed being shook awake by her mother Mrs. Smith who was saying,
“Get up Ida May, get dressed! Hurry up, move quickly we got to go!”
Mrs. Smith had previously packed two small bags with what she felt necessary for the kids and her self. With everyone dressed warm, and comfortable, out the door they all went. Ida-May held her little brother’s hand and carried a small tan suitcase in her other hand. Mother held one suitcase in hand, while holding baby Sissy in her arms. She continued to move fast and Ida-May did the same nearly dragging her little brother. Together they travailed though a large black field with the early morning mist making everyone’s shoes wet. As Ida May’s mother continued hiking though the cow pastier she began to mentally re- experience what had happed to her earlier that night.
A FIGHT, Ida Mays’s mother and father had had a bad fight! The mother killed the father with a stake knife. Flashes of that intense moment traveled through her mind as she keeps in step, she still felt his hand around her neck chocking the wind out of her. His holding her down, bent backward over a table allowed her a chance to reach for that steak knife. Mrs. Gertrude Smiths hand griped the handle of the suitcase tighter as she thanked God for that knife she had driven deep into her husband’s chest. She continued walking at a fast pace while whispering to her self,
“He will never beat on Gertrud Smith again!”
Am not sure if the world knew this or not, but Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, the Wright Brothers, and Roxanne Fredd were born blessed with the same ability: the ability to think outside of the box.
What has she done? Roxanne Fredd combined an urban style novel along with a recovery-based theme to create her fictional novel,
This urban story will grab readers' attention with the intensity of the street life! They will also receive seeds of recovery as they learn how to get away from the perils of drug abuse and the violence that prevalent on the streets.
It was an honor to become Book “Of The Month” at ITR. If you would like a copy, try you local Book Store or
Author Roxanne C. Fredd
Paperback copies & Kindle
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