In the season two opener moving on from past relationships and uncovered secrets, Brianna, Natalie and Tamar try to start new chapters in their lives. With efforts to move on somehow the past still continues to haunt them. Betrayal amongst friends leaves no room to escape the drama, and forgiveness is close to impossible. Even though they are finally with the ones they truly love, trouble still seems to brew among them. Will they ever learn from their mistakes, or allow the past to abolish their futures.
“Hey Brice,” I tapped on his open doorframe. “Tamar isn’t at her desk and I can’t get her on the phone.”
“She is still in the hospital.”
“The hospital? When? No one called me.”
“She went into labor yesterday,” he said.
My eyes bulged. “Yesterday?” I questioned. I was shocked. She was like my best friend other than Nat, and she didn’t call to say she was having her baby.
“I don’t know.” Brice didn’t volunteer any further information.
“Thanks.” I hurried off. I dialed Natalie and asked her to meet me. I knew what hospital it was, because I had gone on her labor and delivery tour with her a couple of weeks ago.
“So why didn’t she call us?” Natalie asked, shocked as I was.
“I don’t know, maybe she had surgery, or don’t have her phone, who knows. I hope she and the baby are okay. I mean, she is a little early.”
“Yes, let’s just pray that she and the baby are well,” Natalie said, and we got off the phone.
I ran home and Vince was on his way out. “Baby, hey,” he said, with a kiss.
“Hey you, where are you off to?”
“The studio. Got a few things still on my checklist to get done, so we can plan my opening night.”
Stepping out of my shoes, I responded, “Well, I’m just here to change and go to the hospital. Taye went into labor yesterday and didn’t tell us.”
Tilting his head, he raised a brow. “That’s odd.”
“I know, right? Natalie and I are going to go see her. I hope she and the baby are fine.”
“Yes, me too.”
“Speaking of baby … have you heard anything from your baby momma?”
He gave me a look as to say, don’t start. “No, she’s still not taking my calls.”
“Well, maybe that’s for the best.”
“Best for whom? I don’t want Chris, but I want to be in my child’s life.”
“Maybe the baby isn’t yours. You’ve said over and over again that you’ve never once hit it raw, so it still amazes me how the miracle baby was conceived.”
“I don’t know Bre, but Chris is not like that; she’s not the type to cheat.”
“Not like either of us, huh?”
He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Look, we are not going to do this today. I’m in a good mood for a change, after all the drama with Vic and Chris, so please baby.”
I touched his face and kissed him deeply. “I love you, Vince, and I’m glad that the truth is out and there is no more hiding and secrets. I’m where I want to be.”
“Good, now I’ll see you for dinner. It’s my night to cook, so have your sexy ass home on time.” He headed towards the door after swatting my ass.
“All right now, you know that turns me on,” I smiled.
“Yes, I do.” He left. I changed and headed towards the hospital. I got there before Natalie, so I waited before going to Tamar’s room. I had a bear and balloons and I was anxious to know what she had, because they confirmed it was a girl at first, and then they said a boy, so we were all confused.
“Come on.” I danced in place, wishing Natalie would walk faster. She was already twenty minutes late and I was dying to see Tamar’s baby.
“I’m coming, calm down.”
“I know she’s going to ask me to be the godmother, I just know it.”
“We shall see.”
We stopped at the desk for quick directions and we damn near ran to her room. I did a soft tap before walking in and what was on the other side of the door made my mouth drop to the floor.

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